76 | Ministry as “Team”: A Philosophy of Marriage as Co-Calling

76 | Ministry as “Team”: A Philosophy of Marriage as Co-Calling
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
76 | Ministry as "Team": A Philosophy of Marriage as Co-Calling
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August 09, 2021 | Coletta Smith & Priscilla Young

“My spouse is going into ministry. What does that mean for me?” Are you feeling the pressure of the spotlight, the exhaustion of constant outpouring, or the isolation of not having a safe space to be honest? Maybe you’re tempted to decide, “It’s their calling, not mine.”

Whether you’re in ministry or married to one who is, Coletta Smith and Priscilla Young of Alongside Ministries have an inspiring conversation about embracing team-calling in all forms of service, finding safe people, and navigating both the struggle with identity and God-given opportunities that come with this calling.

Priscilla Young and Denver Seminary President Mark Young have been ministry partners for 38+ years in theological education, churches, and missionary contexts. Coletta and Craig Smith have been doing ministry together for 28 years in contexts including students, worship, camp, church plants, and mega-churches.