Applying for Aid
- Every student should fill out a Scholarship Application.
- Complete a FAFSA, If you need loans or Work Study.
- Explore work options, after completing the FAFSA.
International Student Resources
Financial Aid Options & Resources
Important Dates
Scholarship Applications Submissions for Fall (New and Continuing students)
March 1: Early Scholarship Deadline
May 1: General Scholarship Deadline
July 1: Late Scholarship Deadline
Scholarship Application Submissions for Spring (New starts)
November 1: General Scholarship Deadline
December 1: General Scholarship Deadline
(if there are still scholarships available)
Financial Aid Office Hour Details
Financial Aid Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
If you have questions and would prefer to see us in person we can schedule a zoom meeting with you. We are currently working remotely and do not have our normal walk in hours. If you would like to set up a meeting please contact us at financialaid@denverseminary.edu.