77 | The Insecurity-Shackled Narcissist

77 | The Insecurity-Shackled Narcissist
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
77 | The Insecurity-Shackled Narcissist
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August 30, 2021 | Dr. Ron Welch

Narcissism has become a widely talked about, recognized, and studied topic. In this conversation, Dr. Ron Welch, associate dean, Counseling Division, and professor of Counseling sheds light on some of the unexpected clinical discoveries around narcissism, bringing both challenge and hope to each of our own self-absorbed tendencies. He brings a both research-backed and compassionate perspective on addressing narcissism in organizations, recognizing the deeper causes behind our own narcissistic tendencies, and how grace ultimately carries us through our own insecurities and self-preoccupation.