119 | A Rallying Call to Evangelicalism: “A Burning House”

119 | A Rallying Call to Evangelicalism: “A Burning House”
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
119 | A Rallying Call to Evangelicalism: “A Burning House”
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July 17, 2023 | Brandon Washington

“I’ve come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house.” These words from Martin Luther King Jr. describe how some may feel about the current state of evangelicalism in the United States. With many walking away from the evangelical movement, it’s important to earnestly engage in the conversation of why and examine the value of the term.

Brandon Washington, pastor of preaching at The Embassy Church, discusses his book, “A Burning House: Redeeming American Evangelicalism by Examining Its History, Mission, and Message.” As Brandon, Denver Seminary President Mark Young, and host Don Payne explore some of the history of the movement in the US, they share about the importance of being honest about both the good and the bad pieces of that history, which they believe will enhance the Christian witness as we look to the future.