100 | Christian Nationalism

100 | Christian Nationalism
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
100 | Christian Nationalism
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September 19, 2022 | David Ritchie

Christian nationalism is a hotly-debated and highly divisive concept in our society today. In our one hundredth episode, David Ritchie, pastor, graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary, and author of Why Do the Nations Rage? The Demonic Origin of Nationalism, shares about what Christian nationalism is and why it could be considered a rival religion to Christianity.

Redeemer Christian Church

Why Do the Nationals Rage? The Demonic Origin of Nationalism

"I wanted to . . . be able to describe in some ways how Christianity and nationalism are not just incompatible, but they really are rival religions. One of the key arguments of the book is that I do believe that nationalism is… Share on X "I would describe patriotism as a good thing. It is a rightly-ordered love for one's nation. It is a stewardship of the privilege of citizenship that we have in this nation. It is the ability to express, on a public level, love for… Share on X "There is this alluring capacity and this temptation to accord to the state a sense of divinity, a sense of ultimate value, and to conflate allegiance and devotion to the state with something that is more akin to worship, rather… Share on X "There's not that much of a distinction between an ancient member of an ancient near East society worshiping their national patron deity that is supposed to be the spiritual embodiment of their given nation and a modern nationalist… Share on X