131 | Living Godspeed and the Power of Being Known

131 | Living Godspeed and the Power of Being Known
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
131 | Living Godspeed and the Power of Being Known
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February 5, 2024 | Rev. Matt Canlis

“[Living Godspeed is] a common confession about how we hope to grow in Christ, living at the speed of being known, by God, by those close to us, and by our neighbors.”

With the often frantic pace of life, it can sometimes be challenging to prioritize our relationship with God and with others. Reverend Matt Canlis, lead pastor at Trinity Church in Wenatchee, WA, believes that learning to live Godspeed, or the speed of being known by God and by those around us, might be part of the answer.

Through reflections on his time pastoring in Scotland, his move to Washington, and his book, “Backyard Pilgrim: Forty Days at Godspeed,” Rev. Canlis explores the importance of slowing down in knowing and being known, the power of names, and the significance of relationships in spiritual growth.

If you’re looking for a new devotional for Lent this year, watch the “Godspeed” short film and order Rev. Canlis’ forty-day devotional here.