135 | Church History and the Voices of the Reformation

135 | Church History and the Voices of the Reformation
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
135 | Church History and the Voices of the Reformation
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April 1, 2024 | Rev. Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt

“If you can unlock the story of a Christian leader or thinker in the past. . . it does bring history alive.”

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt,—Franklin S. Dyrness associate professor in Biblical and Theological Studies at Wheaton College, fellow in the Royal Historical Society, parish associate at First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, and expert in historical theology and the Reformation—discusses her new book, Know the Theologians, why understanding Church history is relevant in shaping our modern worldview. Through reflections on key figures in the history of the Church, Dr. Powell McNutt examines the importance of exploring the complexity of these Church leaders, including their strengths and shortcomings.

"There was a sense in the late medieval Church that the theology and practices of the Church were constraining God's freedom and God's will. And in the reformed tradition, it's so interesting to see how, at a time where they were… Share on X "The freedom of God is seen in the Holy Spirit at work, illuminating our understanding and helping us to see who we are in relation to God." Dr. Jennifer Powel McNutt, Engage360 Episode 135 | Church History and the Voices of the… Share on X "A lot culminates for Calvin in discovering that God seeks to show His benevolence, goodness, and kindness towards us. But that's a side of Calvin that you will not often hear. Usually he's described as cold and hard, but this is… Share on X