140 | Healing, Hope, and Horses

140 | Healing, Hope, and Horses
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
140 | Healing, Hope, and Horses
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June 3, 2024 | Chaplain Gwen Hanna and Dr. Mark Danielson

“God has used horses in some amazing ways to bring. . . healing, connection, attunement, regulation, joy, and peace. There is a redemptive presence when a child and a horse come together. . . In places where there is no hope, we’ve seen hope rise. And that’s a beautiful thing.”

Chaplain Gwen Hanna—chaplain at Car-ynne4kids and MA Counseling Ministries alumna—and Dr. Mark Danielson—executive director at Grace Children’s Home and adjunct faculty at Denver Seminary—delve into the transformative power of equine therapy for those facing trauma or other challenges, emphasizing the importance of involving families in the healing process. They also discuss the integration of their faith in their work, recognizing God’s presence in the healing journey, and the joy and trust that can come from spending time with horses.

"God has used horses in some amazing ways to bring. . . healing, connection, attunement, regulation, joy, and peace. There is a redemptive presence when a child and a horse come together. . . In places where there is no hope, we've… Share on X