80 | Uncovering Findings from the School Counseling Mental Health Initiative

80 | Uncovering Findings from the School Counseling Mental Health Initiative
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
80 | Uncovering Findings from the School Counseling Mental Health Initiative
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October 25, 2021 | Dr. Adam Wilson and Liz Meier Thornton

The School Counseling Mental Health Initiative in partnership with Denver Seminary exists to research and uncover solutions for a widespread mental health crisis among our youth, seen in increasing levels of anxiousness, stress, depression, and more. Director Dr. Adam Wilson and research associate Liz Meier Thornton share their research findings, including effects of social media on early identity formation, lowered discomfort tolerance, and a decrease in “functional communication.” They share effective tools for supporting youth through empathetic engagement as parents, teachers, youth leaders, pastors, and more.