85 | President Dr. Mark Young on Theological Education in the Future of Evangelicalism

85 | President Dr. Mark Young on Theological Education in the Future of Evangelicalism
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
85 | President Dr. Mark Young on Theological Education in the Future of Evangelicalism
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January 10, 2022 | Dr. Mark Young

Denver Seminary President Dr. Mark Young discusses his new book, The Hope of the Gospel: Theological Education and the Next Evangelicalism. He discusses major historical crises in the evangelical movement, the value of the term “evangelical” in light of current political and cultural associations, and the critical role theological education must play in reshaping and redefining the future evangelical movement. This conversation brings a convicting, thought-provoking, and hopeful message to all Christians during this pivotal moment in history.

They also discuss:

  • Coming to grips with the history of the evangelical movement
  • The 5 pivotal reactions against the dominant religious expression in evangelical history
  • David Bebbington’s 4 pillars of evangelicalism
  • The importance of biblicism and its danger when elevated over Christology
  • Our misunderstood theology of conversion
  • The central and critical role of theological education and seminaries
“[Writing the book] brought up for me a stark realization that for many of us in evangelicalism, we don’t know our history and therefore we don’t know how we are shaped by that history today. And frankly, we don’t know how that… Share on X “The problem we face in the way we’ve exercised is that we read the bible too simplistically, we interpret the bible too arrogantly, and we apply the bible too selectively.” Share on X “Through the great revivals and the emphasis on preaching and bringing people to a point of decision for Jesus, we really created the possibility of a church-less Christianity. If you are willing to look forward, that trend is very… Share on X