90 | Relaxing into the Grace of God: Pastoral Leaders and Leadership Anxiety

90 | Relaxing into the Grace of God: Pastoral Leaders and Leadership Anxiety
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
90 | Relaxing into the Grace of God: Pastoral Leaders and Leadership Anxiety
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April 4, 2022 | Steve Cuss

For many, leadership and anxiety go hand-in-hand. Pastors and ministry leaders are not exempt from this and often feel the pressures even more deeply as they balance expectations and reality. How can ministry leaders recognize, understand, and lead with their own vulnerabilities to help others experience the gospel, rather than reacting to expectations and assumptions? Join Steve Cuss, author of Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs (2019) and host of the Managing Leadership Anxiety podcast, and Don Payne as they explore this very real challenge.

“We all carry these assumptions and these false beliefs just under the surface, and we operate out of them if we’re not aware of them. And I think that’s what leads to a lot of burnout in leaders and pastors, is unaddressed chronic… Share on X “[Christian psychologist] Dr. Kurt Thompson says that a shame message or a negative message takes three seconds to embed in your psyche, and a positive message takes sixty-to-ninety seconds to embed.” Share on X “If you can notice your chronic anxiety, it’s an incredible invitation to relax into the supremacy of Christ and let God be perfect.” Share on X