97 | The Church, Apologetics, and the Hiddenness of God

97 | The Church, Apologetics, and the Hiddenness of God
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
97 | The Church, Apologetics, and the Hiddenness of God
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August 8, 2022 | Dr. Douglas Groothuis

With growing skepticism towards Christianity and the Church in society today, a solid biblical foundation and Christian community is vital. Listen in as Professor of Philosophy Dr. Douglas Groothuis shares his thoughts on the importance of being in a Church community, the hiddenness of God, and the recently released 2nd edition of his book, Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith.

"God has given us enough evidence and enough reasons to believe if our hearts are inclined inthat direction. But He has given enough ambiguity that, if our hearts are not inclined in thatdirection, then we can just attend to other… Share on X "That shows the existential power of apologetics, because when we were walking through that twilight of her decline, we didn't always feel the presence of God, the joy of the Lord, by no means. But even when we didn't feel it, we… Share on X "If I have a cogent, coherent, well-thought-out worldview that explains evil in general, in terms of creation, fall, redemption, consummation, then I can look at particular evils and have no clue as to what good they might serve or… Share on X