Dr. Donald Burdick joined the faculty of Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver associate professor of New Testament and then as full professor from 1954 until his retirement. He served as librarian for ten years and edited the Conservative Seminarian for twenty-eight years. The purpose of the Donald Burdick New Testament Endowed Scholarship is to honor the contributions of Dr. Donald Burdick in the lives of many at Denver Seminary and in the world of New Testament scholarship.
- Recipient(s) can be a full-time student or part-time student (as established by the Seminary catalog) at Denver Seminary, pursuing their degree residentially or online.
- Recipient(s) must be pursuing a Master of Arts (New Testament), Master of Divinity (New Testament), or Master of Theology (New Testament).
- Recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing as determined by the Financial Aid Committee of the Seminary.
- Scholarship may be renewed each year until the recipient graduates, if the recipient(s) meets the above criteria, and the degree is completed within the time-period stated in the catalog.