Church Safety and Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, Mar. 19

Church Safety and Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, Mar. 19 Ministry
Safe Training, Denver Seminary, Thurs., Mar. 19, 9:30 a.m. -12 p.m.
Littleton, Colo. – Church leaders and staff are invited to attend a church safety and sexual abuse awareness training led by MinistrySafe on Thurs., March 19, 9:30 a.m. – noon, at Denver Seminary. The event is free and open to the public.
The training will address common misconceptions, offender characteristics, offenders’ “grooming process,” common grooming behaviors, what to do if a child reports abuse, methods to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse, peer-to-peer sexual abuse, and reporting requirements.
MinistrySafe works to help ministries meet the legal standards of care and reduce the risk of sexual abuse litigation. The training will be led by Kimberlee Norris, director and co-founder of MinistrySafe. Norris is a sexual abuse trial attorney, who represents victims of abuse and provides crisis management and allegation response counsel to child-serving organizations.
This training is vital for church staff, volunteers, pastors, lay leaders, students, and ministry professionals. Find more information and register at
Since its inception in 2005, MinistrySafe has worked with more than 16,000 organizations and has trained over 1 million staff members and volunteers, on six continents. On average, MinistrySafe trains 25,000-30,000 people each month—live and online.
The event will be held at Denver Seminary in the Harold and Virginia Simpson Leadership Center. Denver Seminary is located at 6399 S. Santa Fe Dr., Littleton. For more information, contact Andrea Weyand, senior director of communications, at 303.762.6948, or
About Denver Seminary – Denver Seminary is a non-denominational graduate school of theology located in Littleton, Colo. The Seminary’s mission is to prepare men and women to engage the needs of the world with the redemptive power of the gospel and the life-changing truth of Scripture. Established in 1950, Denver Seminary offers on-campus, fully online, and hybrid degree programs, and has an extension campus in Washington DC and a Korean Global Program. In addition, the Seminary offers programming for lay ministry through its Hispanic Program and Black Church Program.
About MinistrySafe – MinistrySafe’s mission is to protect children and those who serve them. MinistrySafe was created by legal professionals who are sexual abuse experts. After decades of litigating sexual abuse cases, Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris founded MinistrySafe to help ministries meet legal standards of care and reduce the risk of sexual abuse by creating preventative measures tailored to fit the needs of churches and ministry programs.
Andrea Weyand, Senior Director of Communications
Phone: 303.762.6948
Date: March 3, 2020