The Good News of Christmas: 2023 Advent Devotional

This year, Denver Seminary faculty, staff, and Board members wrote these twenty-five devotionals focused on the hope of the gospel to guide you from December 1, through the days of anticipation, all the way to Christmas morning. We pray this gift from Denver Seminary draws you and those around you closer to Jesus as you prepare to celebrate his birth.
“Living with anticipation is the great joy of those who know Jesus. But it’s not just anticipation for the day of remembrance of His first coming; it’s anticipation of His second coming, the day of restoration when Jesus returns to make everything that’s wrong in the world right, everything that’s broken in the world whole, and everything’s that ugly in the world beautiful. For those of us who know Jesus, we have the privilege of living every day with a sense of anticipation. What a gift! What a joy! Our prayer is that each day these devotionals will help you navigate the excess of the Christmas season by focusing your attention on the excess of God’s glorious grace—past, present, and future.”
– Dr. Mark Young, president of Denver Seminary
We hope you enjoy this gift from Denver Seminary and that it is a blessing to your Advent season!