Denver Seminary to Celebrate Black History Month with Rev. Connie Jackson, Feb. 20

LITTLETON, Colo. – Join Denver Seminary to pay tribute to the rich heritage of African Americans and to celebrate Black History Month, with Rev. Connie Jackson, Feb. 20, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Denver Seminary and via livestream. Register for this free event at
Rev. Connie Jackson, “Rev. CJ,” is recognized as a global ministry leader. As an ordained minister and former elected official, Jackson has lectured and preached for diverse audiences throughout North America, Europe, and Africa. The History Makers, a national video oral history archive dedicated to preserving African American history, based in Chicago, selected Jackson as a “Political Maker.”
“Rev. CJ is recognized as a trailblazer in the political and ministry arenas and is a prolific communicator of the gospel,” said Rev. John Moreland, director of the Urban Initiative at Denver Seminary. “It is an honor to have her join us to celebrate the contributions African Americans have had on our society and to acknowledge the triumphs of the past, embrace the pivotal moment of the present, and lean into the opportunities of the future.”
Rev. CJ’s multi-disciplinary educational background includes political science, theology, and psychology. Her work experience includes civic leadership, business development, foreign affairs, and pastoral care. Jackson earned a bachelor of arts in government from the University of Texas at Austin and a master of divinity from the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta. She is a graduate of the Harvard Divinity School Leadership Certificate Program.
This Black History Month celebration is open to the public. Registration is encouraged but not required and there is no charge to attend. Denver Seminary is located at 6399 S. Santa Fe Dr., Littleton, Colo., 80120. More information can be found at or by contacting Andrea Weyand, senior director of Communications, at 303.762.6948 or
About Denver Seminary – The Denver Seminary is a non-denominational graduate school of theology located in Littleton, Colo. The Seminary’s mission is to prepare men and women to engage the needs of the world with the redemptive power of the gospel and the life-changing truth of Scripture. Established in 1950, Denver Seminary offers on-campus, fully online, and hybrid degree programs, and has an extension campus in Washington DC and a Korean Global Program. In addition, the Seminary offers programming for lay ministry through its Hispanic Programs and Black Church Programs.
About the Urban Initiative – The Urban Initiative is focused on expanding the presence of Black students in Denver Seminary degree programs and enhancing the overall experience of Black students through support activities and services, as well as extending the educational resources of Denver Seminary to Denver’s urban communities.