75th Anniversary

Building on Our History to Shape the Future

In 2025, we joyfully celebrate Denver Seminary’s 75th anniversary! Throughout the year, we invite you to join us in honoring 75 years of education, impact, growth, community, and transformation. From our humble beginnings with just 31 students to becoming a globally accessible seminary that has shaped countless lives, God’s faithfulness has guided every step of our journey. As we reflect on our rich history, we do so with gratitude and excitement for the future. Together, let’s celebrate all that God has done—and all that is yet to come!

Special Anniversary Event Details | Save the Dates | Seminary Community Spotlight | New President Announcement | 75th Anniversary Kick Off Event Pictures

For 75 years, Denver Seminary has been a place of learning, growth, and transformation, preparing generations to live out their faith with purpose and impact. This year, we invite you to celebrate this incredible milestone with us, culminating in a special anniversary event on Friday, September 12 at Clement Park in Littleton, CO.

Save the Dates

Save the date for our major anniversary celebration on Friday, September 12. We will host speakers including author Philip Yancey and Denver Seminary alumnus and international speaker Andy Byrd, have live music, and more! We also have many events coming up so mark your calendars:

A Profile in “Doing Theology”: Dr. Ryan Tafilowski,
Theology Department Chair 

The term “theology” often brings to mind scholarly discussion and intellectual contemplation rather than the practicalities of daily life. But Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, chair of the Theology Department and assistant professor of Theology at Denver Seminary, has learned to “do theology” every day—and he teaches his students to do the same.

Learn more about Dr. Tafilowski’s story here.

“Theology is learning to think and live in a world where God is at the center of reality, where everything we do, see, and say makes sense in light of that…If I put the gospel at the center of any question, what light does it shed on how we inhabit the world?”
Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, Chair of the Theology Department, Assistant Professor of Theology

Introducing Dr. Mark Husbands

Denver Seminary began its 75th year on January 1, marking a historic milestone with the selection of Dr. Mark Husbands as its eighth president. Dr. Husbands officially assumed the role at the start of the new year.

“My hope and prayer is that God will richly bless Denver Seminary as it steadfastly upholds its mission and core values. I aim to serve the Seminary by cherishing its exceptional legacy, strengthening its commitment to Christ and Scripture, and advancing its commitment to providing extraordinary formation for students as they pursue God’s call on their lives.”
– Dr. Mark Husbands