Parking Map

This policy establishes the guidelines for all on-campus parking, permitting and violations.
This policy applies to all Denver Seminary employees, students, visitors and vendors.
General Policy
This policy is designed to outline all vehicle stipulations for employees, students, residents, vendors,
and guests of Denver Seminary. The criteria for the allocation of parking spaces and the rules
governing the use of such parking spaces are also submitted in the procedures below. Denver Seminary
is not and shall not be liable under any circumstances for the loss of or damage to a vehicle or its
contents while parked on the Denver Seminary campus or adjacent South Suburban/Hudson Gardens
gravel lot. The Seminary reserves the right to restrict the use of any parking space, area, or surface lot
at any time and to temporarily or permanently relocate permit holders as necessary. Vehicles may be
subject to tow at the sole discretion of the seminary if parked illegally, obstructing right of way, in
violation of policy, or parked in a dangerous manner.
General Procedures
On Campus Vehicle Guidelines
Parking Permits
- Once hired or admitted as a student, individuals must complete a parking permit form to request a parking permit for each vehicle they may drive and park on Seminary property.
- Denver Seminary parking permits are issued so our Security Team can contact the vehicle’s owner in the event a vehicle must be moved, is involved in an accident, etc. Permits identify vehicles that have permission to park in designated areas of the Seminary’s parking lots.
- Parking permit applications are available during normal business hours at the Information Desk in the Administration Building.
- The application must be completed in full per the application’s instructions.
- When received, the parking permit must be displayed in the designated area of the vehicle(s) so that it may be easily seen by our Security Team.
- Parking is only allowed in appropriate parking lots as per the assigned decal.
Parking Lots
Lot A
Student, Faculty, & Staff Parking by Permit Only
Monday to Friday
7:30 am – 9:30 pm
Lot B
Student, Faculty, & Staff Parking by Permit Only
Monday to Friday
7:30 am – 9:30 pm
Lot C
Faculty & Staff Parking by Permit Only
Monday to Friday
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Student, Faculty, Staff, & Denver Counseling Center Parking by Permit Only
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Moving Violations
Drivers in parking lots caught speeding, failing to stop for a stop sign, or failing to yield to a pedestrian in a cross walk will be issued a moving violation citation with a fine of $50. Additionally, riding any motorized vehicle on walkways is prohibited, and will be subject to issuance of a moving violation citation. Seminary security staff and/or other professionals who may be contracted by the Seminary have authorization to issue these citations. In addition, a member of the Seminary community can witness a driver in violation of a regulation, call security, and testify against the driver and have a moving violation citation issued.
Guest Parking
- Designated parking for guests is located along the north side of Lot A.
- Additional parking, with no permit necessary, is available in the Hudson Gardens gravel lot to the north of the Seminary campus. Be aware of additional risks of parking in an off-campus parking lot.
- Parking in Lots A and B is open to all students, faculty and staff displaying the proper permit, except spaces designated for handicap parking, Denver Counseling Center parking in Lot D, and the spaces for guests along the north side of lot A.
- Open parking is allowed in Lot C overnight from 5:00pm-7:30am Monday-Friday, and during weekends.
- Additional parking, with no permit necessary, is available in the Hudson Gardens gravel lot to the north of the Seminary campus. Be aware of additional risks of parking in an off-campus parking lot.
Faculty and Staff
- Lot C is reserved for faculty and staff only (displaying the proper permit) Monday–Friday, between the hours of 7:30am and 5:00pm.
- Parking is also available in Lots A and B, which is open to all students, faculty and staff displaying the proper permit, except spaces designated for handicap parking, Denver Counseling Center in Lot D, and the spaces for guests along the north side of Lot A.
- Additional parking, with no permit necessary, is available in the Hudson Gardens gravel lot to the north of the Seminary campus. Be aware of additional risks of parking in an off-campus parking lot.
Enforcement of Policies
Policy enforcement includes issuance of parking citations or moving violation citations by authorized Seminary personnel and/or other professionals who may be contracted by the Seminary. Vehicles may be towed if the situation warrants. Citations must be paid at the Campus Operations Group (COG) front desk. Citations remaining unpaid are charged to the student’s account. Students, residents, faculty and staff are expected to model integrity in following the Seminary Parking Policies so our witness is not tarnished to guests and friends of the seminary who visit our campus.
Direct questions on any of these policies to Biagio Burriesci at or 303-357-5818