Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church and Immigration
Christians are under specific biblical instructions regarding “foreigners” and “neighbors.” Yet, as a country of immigrants, our history of policy and current rhetoric can be confusing. Are immigrants criminals, and do certain immigration policies pose a threat to national security? How is immigration in the U.S. affected by global economic and political realities? What are the consequences of mass and sustained immigration on the broader culture in our nation? What kind of postures and dialogue will help churches and ministries extend the gospel, both to the immigrants they serve, and to those who do not agree with their methods? Join us for a day of biblical guidance, compassionate reflection, and credible presentations as we re-imagine our witness to foreigners, neighbors, and the rest of the world.
Join us on January 27 for:
- A presentation by Dr. Alexia Salvatierra
- A presentation by Dr. Danny Carroll
- A panel discussion moderated by President Dr. Mark Young
- Denver Seminary
- 6399 South Santa Fe Dr., Littleton, CO 80120
- Harold and Virginia Simpson Leadership Center
- Full program also available online
Date and Times
- January 27, 2023
- 8:00 am – 2:30 pm
For more information, contact Jason Woodman, Director of Public Engagement for The Gospel Initiative
- 08:00 | Doors open
- 08:30 | Opening remarks from Dr. Mark Young
- 08:50 | Keynote 1, Dr. Alexia Salvatierra
- 09:45 | Table discussion
- 10:15 | Announcements
- 10:25 | Keynote 2, Dr. Danny Carroll
- 11:25 | Lunch
- 12:10 | Panel discussion with Dr. Salvatierra, Dr. Carroll, and Prof. Michelle Warren, moderated by Dr. Young
- 12:45 | Q&A with all presenters
- 01:30 | TGI next steps seminars
- 02:30 | Dismissal
- Lunch will be provided
- Free parking is available for conference guests in Lot B. No parking pass is required.
Map of Parking.
COVID protocols
- Denver Seminary follows the COVID guidance of the Tri-County Health Department. Masks are not required but are welcomed and encouraged for guests who prefer to wear them. If protocols change prior to the event, we will update you.
Contact: Jason Woodman, Director of Public Engagement for The Gospel Initiative
Conference Speakers
Dr. Alexia Salvatierra

Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra is the Academic Dean of the Centro Latino at Fuller Theological Seminary. She also serves as the Associate Professor of Mission and Global Transformation. She is the co-author of Faith-Rooted Organizing: Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World (IVP 2014) and Buried Seeds: Learning from the Vibrant Resilience of Marginalized Christian Communities (Baker 2022). She has been an ordained pastor since 1988 serving a wide variety of ministries, including several years as a missionary in the Philippines. She has an extensive history of leadership in community ministry and social transformation, particularly in the immigration arena; she was the co-founder of the national Evangelical Immigration Table. She acts as a consultant, trainer and coach for churches, denominations and organizations around the world, and has won multiple awards including the Prime Movers Fellowship from the Hunt Alternative Fund, the Amos award from Sojourners and the Leading Change award from the Liberty Hill Foundation.
Dr. Danny Carroll

Dr. Carroll is half-Guatemalan and was raised bilingual and bicultural. In his youth, he spent many summers in Guatemala and later taught at El Seminario Teológico Centroamericano in Guatemala City for thirteen years. The realities of Central America sparked Dr. Carroll’s fascination with the Old Testament. The relevance of the biblical text for the challenges of poverty, war, and politics in those developing countries led him to a passionate focus on Old Testament social ethics and the social sciences.
In addition, his studies in English literature and literary theory have generated an ongoing engagement with literary approaches to the Old Testament and critical studies. Experiences in this country and abroad have led him to a deep appreciation for the unique contributions that ethnic minorities, women, and the global church make to the interpretation of the Old Testament. Before coming to Wheaton, Dr. Carroll taught Old Testament at Denver Seminary for many years and founded a Spanish-language lay training program there. At Wheaton, models a commitment to connecting careful biblical scholarship with the mission of the church as it engages today’s complex realities. Dr. Carroll has been involved in Latino/a churches and teaching on the Bible and immigration for many years. His research focuses on prophetic literature and Old Testament social ethics.
Michelle Ferrigno Warren

Michelle Ferrigno Warren is President and CEO of Virago Strategies, a consulting group that provides strategic engagement and project management support for churches and non-profits stepping more deeply into the work of advocacy. She has been working in Christian community development for 30 years utilizing her skills as an educator, worship leader, non-profit manager, public policy specialist & faith-rooted activist. Her advocacy and coalition work is a national model for non-profits, earning her bi-partisan respect.
Michelle co-founded Open Door Ministries in Denver to address poverty, addiction, and through social programs. Her policy expertise are issues at the intersection of racial and economic injustice. During the 2020 election cycle she ran for United States Senate in Colorado, bringing her voice for her community and the often underrepresented to the race.
Michelle is a Senior Fellow with The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute and an adjunct faculty member at Denver Seminary in the Cultural Engagement department.
Michelle has spoken to thousands and been interviewed by national and international media. In her role as a consultant with the D.C. based National Immigration Forum, she worked to build consensus among diverse stakeholders.
Michelle is the author of The Power of Proximity, Moving Beyond Awareness to Action, IVP 2017 and Join the Resistance, Step Into the Good Work of Kingdom Justice IVP, October 2022. She holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Colorado. Visit her website:
Jason Woodman, Director of Public Engagement for The Gospel Initiative, is available before, during, and after the event to answer questions.