Reflections on the Psalms Reception
Visit the new art exhibit by Christos Collective and inspired by the Psalms and hear from Denver Seminary faculty and Christos Collective board member Knut Heim on his personal reflections on the Psalms.
September 16: 4:30PM – 6PM
Bridge Gallery – Harold and Virginia Simpson Leadership Center
6399 Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, CO 80120

The Psalms are songs that express the entirety of our human emotions; we cry, we laugh, we sing, we lament, we rage, we praise. They allow us to be within our emotions yet always bringing us to our Lord in prayer. Our Lord knows what is in our hearts and minds, He knows our feelings and deepest desires. The beauty of the Psalms is that through them, we can come before God,, being real and vulnerable with Him. Our yearnings are given to the Lord through the Psalms, poetically, honestly, and beautifully. They allow us to come into the throne room and stand before our God knowing that He hears us, loves us, and accepts us as His own. Praise be to His most holy Name!