Category: Blog

Alumni Spotlight | Doug Nuenke: A Life on Mission for Christ and for Others 

By: Melanie Predolich  For Dr. Doug Nuenke, a Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Doctor of Ministry (DMin) graduate of Denver Seminary, his work has never been about the recognition or the position but about the gospel and God’s people.   Doug’s walk with Christ began in the early 1980s during his undergraduate studies at Texas Christian…

Honoring Jimmy Carter’s Legacy of Faith and Service: A Message from Denver Seminary

By: Dr. Mark Husbands, Denver Seminary President As we observe the National Day of Mourning for President Jimmy Carter, Denver Seminary stands with our nation in honoring a remarkable leader whose Christian testimony transcended political, social, and religious divides. Across his 99-plus years, President Carter exemplified what it looks like to respond to biblical call…

Discover Your Ministry Calling: A Path for Women at Denver Seminary

Today, many Christian women feel called to ministry and wonder if there is a place for them in church leadership. So, if you find yourself asking, “Is there a place for me in ministry?” The answer is yes. God uniquely gifts women for a variety of ministry roles throughout the church. At Denver Seminary, we…

female professor standing in class holding coffee mug

What is the Difference Between Master of Divinity vs. a Master of Theology

The realm of theological education offers a diverse array of degree programs catering to individuals with a passion for understanding and exploring matters of faith, spirituality, and religious practices. Students commonly pursue the Master of Divinity (MDiv) or the Master of Theology (ThM). While these degrees share similarities, they also possess distinct characteristics that set…

Dr. Michael Austin smiling podcast photo

Christians could bring down the heat on the gun debate, author says

There is a way to reduce the anger and polarization around America’s gun debate by using tenets of faith, according to Michael Austin, author of God and Guns in America. “We really can reduce gun violence in the United States while actually protecting the rights of responsible gun owners in ways that are true to the Second…

Preparing for Redemptive Relationships

Originally published in Engage Magazine, 2023-24 The concept of redemptive relationships captivated me shortly after arriving at Denver Seminary, where redemptive relationships are firmly rooted as a core commitment. Here, we move toward others believing they themselves are new creatures in Christ, rousing humbleness, accepting brokenness, and gaining a willingness to evaluate themselves honestly based…

Are Conversations Too Risky?

Debra Anderson, assistant professor of Training and Mentoring, chair of the Training and Mentoring Curriculum Originally published in Engage Magazine, 2023-24 After teaching a class on mentored formation, my colleague relayed to me a student’s question, “What if my mentor asks me to reveal my deeper thoughts?” They had been in discussion about how to…

Building a Career from Training and Mentoring

Dr. Liz Selzer, a Denver Seminary alumna, joins for Engage360 episode 121 to discuss her career journey which has been deeply impacted by her experience with Denver Seminary’s Training and Mentoring program. She also shares about her PhD work, which was focused on the effectiveness of the Mentoring program. Dr. Selzer’s career has spanned multiple…

Disability and a Different Perspective on Miracles

Are miracles just God doing exactly what we ask for, or is there a different way to understand them? Dr. J.D. Kim, assistant director of the Doctor of Ministry Korean Global Campus and adjunct faculty in Theology, shares about his book, From Walking to Wheeling: How God Reconstructed One Man’s Dreams, and his story of suffering and…

A Rallying Call to Evangelicalism: “A Burning House”

“I’ve come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house.” These words from Martin Luther King Jr. describe how some may feel about the current state of evangelicalism in the United States. With many walking away from the evangelical movement, it’s important to earnestly engage in the conversation of why and examine the…