123 | Exploring What It Means to Be Made in God’s Image

123 | Exploring What It Means to Be Made in God’s Image
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary
123 | Exploring What It Means to Be Made in God’s Image
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September 25, 2023 | Dr. David Hionides

What does it mean to be made in the image or likeness of God? Dr. David Hionides, director of Institutional Research and Educational Systems and contributor to “The Least of These: Practicing a Faith without Margins”, believes that this may be one of the most important concepts for Christians to understand as we engage with those around us, regardless of religious beliefs, political stance, or any other category we may split people up into.

As he delves into what it truly means to be made Imago Dei, Dr. Hionides highlights how recognizing the inherent, God-given value and dignity in every person can transform the way we interact with others, especially in the divided world we live in. He also emphasizes that this is not a theoretical concept, but a foundational principle that should guide our actions and relationships, leading to more compassionate and Christlike interactions in our daily lives.