Faculty/Staff Directory

close up of faculty member dave buschart

David Buschart, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Theology and Historical Studies

Dr. David Buschart, Professor Emeritus of Theology and Historical Studies, earned an MPhil and PhD (Theological Studies) from Drew University, an MDiv and ThM (Theology) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a BA (Psychology) from Wheaton College. He is a member of the American Academy of Religion, and the Evangelical Theological Society.

Prior to coming to Denver Seminary in 1998, Dr. Buschart served on the faculty of Canadian Theological Seminary (1988-1998), and as acting dean of the faculty for one year. He was a founding member of the Research Science and Ethics Advisory Committee of the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, in Regina, Saskatchewan, and was a scholar-in-residence at the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota.

His most recent book (co-written with alum Kent Eilers) is Theology as Retrieval: Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church. He has also published Exploring Protestant Traditions: An Invitation to Theological Hospitality, and contributed several articles to the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality and the Dictionary of Christianity. He is currently collaborating with seminary colleagues Dr. Don Payne and Prof. Dan Steiner on a book on the theology of work.

In Perspective: Deconstruction – A Gospel Conversation

Books Authored

  • Theology as Retrieval: Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church. IVP Academic, 2015.
  • Exploring Protestant Traditions: An Invitation to Theological Hospitality. IVP Academic, 2006.
  • Scholarship, Sacraments, and Service: Historical Studies in Protestant Tradition. E. Mellon Press, 1990.

Recent Publications

  • “Appropriating Reformation Tradition(s) Today: Should We Put the Past Behind Us?” in The Reformation: Past Voices, Current Implications, eds. Steven M. Studebaker and Gordon L. Heath, pp. 115-34. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021.
  • “Calvin, Anabaptists, and Tradition,” and “Appropriating Reformation Traditions Today: Should We Put the Past Behind Us?” in in The Reformation: Past Voices, Current Implications, eds. Steven M. Studebaker and Gordon L. Heath, pp. 82-101. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021.


  • Holy Love and “The Ivory Tower,” 2022.


  • The Future of Theological Education, including but not limited to matters of faculty development for the Kern Family Foundation, 2022.