Explore What the Bible Says about Social Justice, Equity, and Equality, Feb. 18

Explore What the Bible Says about Social Justice, Equity, and Equality, Feb. 18
Women Engage, Denver Seminary, Tues., Feb. 18, 5 p.m. -7 p.m.
Littleton, Colo. -Denver Seminary is hosting Living Out Biblical Justice in Today’s World, Tues., Feb. 18 from 5 p.m. -7 p.m., as part of its Women Engage event series, in the Chapel at the Seminary. The event is free and open to the public.
Women from around Denver will gather to explore how the concepts of justice in our culture today differ from the biblical narrative of justice. They will also consider the power of justice in the Scriptures and examine ideas such as equity, equality, distributive and creative justice, participation and dignity, and shalom.
Patty Pell, director of Denver Seminary’s Justice and Mission Program, will lead this timely discussion.
“The story of justice in the Bible is rich, deep, and expansive. It is also much grander than the world’s definition and picture of justice,” said Pell. “If we hope to impact the world in ways that bring more love, compassion and equity, then it is imperative we understand this beautiful story of justice in Scripture.”
Patty’s passion for justice has led her to spend several summers directing student groups in urban Denver, India, and Kenya. She volunteers with English language learners in the public schools, with refugee service providers, and in immigration reform. Patty received her MA from Denver Seminary and is working on her PhD at Trinity College in Bristol, UK.
“Women can work in unique and powerful ways for justice in the world today, so wrestling with some of these concepts is crucial as preparation for our service to those around us,” Pell said.
Find more information and register here.
Women Engage, an initiative of Denver Seminary, is a dynamic, intergenerational community of women committed to pursuing communal development and personal growth. Women Engage supports female students with tuition costs through the Women Engage Scholarship. Scholarship recipients demonstrate leadership in their life, education, and ministry. Denver Seminary is located at 6399 S. Santa Fe Dr., Littleton. For more information, contact Shannon Jack, advancement services coordinator, at 303.762.6949, or Shannon.Jack@denverseminary.edu.
About Denver Seminary – Denver Seminary is a non-denominational graduate school of theology located in Littleton, Colo. The Seminary’s mission is to prepare men and women to engage the needs of the world with the redemptive power of the gospel and the life-changing truth of Scripture. Established in 1950, Denver Seminary offers on-campus, fully online, and hybrid degree programs, and has an extension campus in Washington DC and a Korean Global Program. In addition, the Seminary offers programming for lay ministry through its Hispanic Program and Black Church Program.
Andrea Weyand, Senior Director of Communications
Phone: 303.762.6948
E-mail: andrea.weyand@denverseminary.edu
Date: Feb. 8, 2020