For 2021-2025, we identified five words that express our vision for the Seminary. Voice. Reach. Diversity. Vitality. Excellence. Our strategic initiatives were developed based on this vision.
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We commit ourselves to being a school whose voice plays a greater role in shaping the identity and future of evangelicalism.
Strategies: To realize our vision we will:
1.1. Sharpen, deepen, and diversify our distinct voice as a leading evangelical seminary through clarity of message and improved integration of institutional brand platforms and communication strategies.
1.2. Increase the reach of all communications platforms and strategies across all constituencies.
1.3. Increase the presence and expand the influence of the Seminary’s gospel-centered engagement with cultural realities in public forums and the media.
1.4. Through The Gospel Initiative, academic programs, and all communications platforms model gospel-centered engagement with difficult social, ethical, and moral issues to help God’s people create a credible and compelling gospel presence in their communities.

In 2025, we are a seminary providing relevant, transformative theological education for a broader spectrum of God’s people.
Strategies: To realize our vision, we will:
2.1. Achieve annual growth goals for new and continuing student headcount and billable hours.
2.2. Identify and enroll students from new audiences through expanded accessibility and innovative programming.
2.3. Increase the number and quality of sustainable partnerships through innovative programming and collaboration.
2.4. Develop theologically rich, relevant, and accessible degree and certificate programming for workplace, professional, and lay ministry training.
2.5. Increase retention and degree completion rates by enhancing student satisfaction and success through intentional student engagement, care, and advising.
2.6. Increase enrollment annually at all campuses (Littleton, Global, and Washington DC) through more relevant, accessible, and creative programming.
2.7. Distinguish ourselves and our degree offerings in the online marketplace through higher production quality and better learning strategies.

In 2025, we are a seminary more profoundly shaped by the presence and voices of diverse communities.
Strategies: In order to accomplish our vision we will:
3.1. Increase the presence, influence, and institutional support for students, faculty, staff, donors, and trustees from underrepresented communities.
3.2. Provide regular training for all internal constituents to enhance relationships and engagement interracially and interculturally.
3.3. Increase the utilization of learning resources from traditionally underrepresented voices in all curricular and para-curricular programming.
3.4. Increase the contribution of diverse voices in Seminary publications, events, classes, and communications.

In 2025 we are a seminary with the resourcing needed to achieve annual growth in all key institutional indicators.
Strategies: To realize our vision we will…
4.1. Execute a sustainable financial model that adequately resources educational programming and attains unrestricted net income of 4-6% per year before depreciation and leads to healthy financial ratios (CFI, DOE) to support strategic innovation and growth.
4.2. Create a strategic reserve through annual budgeted set asides to fund future capital, innovation, and expansion needs.
4.3. Successfully complete all six components of a $40 million comprehensive growth campaign.
4.4. Achieve annual growth in all categories of gift revenue, including known estate commitments, and in the number of donors.
4.5. Annually increase the amount of financial aid (grants and scholarships) made available to students.
4.6. Attract, develop, and retain an exceptional team of faculty, staff, and trustees whose efforts are optimized in achieving our mission.
4.7. Execute personal and professional development programs for all staff and faculty.
4.8. Design and develop the infrastructure and physical campus needed to enhance student success and enrollment growth.

In 2025, we are a seminary known for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and formation.
Strategies: to realize our vision, we will…
5.1. Provide ongoing training for faculty in course design, teaching strategies, and educational technologies for all course delivery models.
5.2. Design, resource, and maximize classroom and technology environments to support effective teaching and learning across all delivery modes.
5.3. Enhance access to and the quality of library resources needed to support effective teaching, learning, research, and scholarship in all degree programs.
5.4. Implement effective assessment processes to increase instructional and institutional effectiveness.
5.5. Cultivate a teaching and learning culture characterized by our Core Commitments and Operational Values and focused on the fulfillment of the Mission Statement of the Seminary.
5.6. Enhance faculty, staff, and trustee collaboration and collegiality through regular fellowship, worship, learning, and discussion opportunities.