Category: Events

close up of artist thomas lockhart with artwork in background

Diversity and Intricacy: Artist Thomas Lockhart at Denver Seminary

Join Lockhart for an Artist’s Reception, Mon. Sept. 19 Littleton, Colo. – Meet artist Thomas Lockhart at Denver Seminary on Mon. Sept. 19, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., as he shares about his art and passion during an artist reception, in the Seminary’s Bridge Gallery. Lockhart’s work, including his piece Ballerinas Rest, which is on…

Supporting Veterans Living with Moral Injuries

“Proximity: Caring for Those Wounded by War” to create space to examine practical ways to care for those living with moral injuries in isolationNovember 10, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Littleton, Colo. – Physical wounds of war are often obvious. Invisible wounds go unseen, leaving veterans to experience their injuries in isolation. Among those suffering…

Dr. Mark Yarhouse to Speak at Denver Seminary’s Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church And Human Sexuality Conference, Oct. 29

Littleton, Colo. – Dr. Mark Yarhouse, director of the Sexual and Gender Identity Institute at Wheaton College, will address the topic of the gospel and human sexuality during the Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church and Human Sexuality conference on Fri., Oct. 29. Through this conference, Denver Seminary and The Gospel Initiative will consider how…

seven women smiling for photo

Spring 2021 New Student Orientation

Student Orientation is on Thursday, January 21, 2021 and is an important part of welcoming you to Denver Seminary and setting the stage for your first year. Denver Seminary has announced Dr. Mark Harden as the executive director of The Gospel Initiative, a program designed to help the Church engage the… Denver Seminary has announced…

Artistic Ministry in the Federal Prison System

Explore Redemptive Art and the Hope that Resides in Inmates What role does art and creativity have at a place like Supermax federal prison? Justin Reddick, an artist and current MDiv student at Denver Seminary, provides an inspiring introduction to the Creative Arts Platform (CAP), a program he helped bring to the federal facilities in…

ministry safe logo with kids playing sports

Church Safety and Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, Mar. 19

Church Safety and Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, Mar. 19 Ministry Safe Training, Denver Seminary, Thurs., Mar. 19, 9:30 a.m. -12 p.m. Littleton, Colo. – Church leaders and staff are invited to attend a church safety and sexual abuse awareness training led by MinistrySafe on Thurs., March 19, 9:30 a.m. – noon, at Denver Seminary. The…

a conversation about the death penalty with portrait of male

“A Conversation about the Death Penalty” Event Recording

“A Conversation about the Death Penalty” was hosted by Equal Justice USA Evangelical Network, the Christian Community Development Association, and Denver Seminary at the Seminary this February. Watch the event recording to engage in a dialogue about the death penalty and its impact.Hear messages and testimonies from Christian activist and author Shane Claiborne; Colorado victims’…

abstract art of jesus on cross

Explore Art and the Hope that Resides in Inmates in the Federal Prison System

Explore Art and the Hope that Resides in Inmates in the Federal Prison System Brokenhood: The Art of Healing Through Community, Mar. 12, Denver Seminary Littleton, Colo. –Within a prison environment, inmates have historically gone to great lengths to create artwork as a way to focus on something other than their surroundings and to create…