October 31, 2022 | Dr. Tim Koller
While IQ is the ability to understand the world around us, emotional intelligence is the ability to understand ourselves and those around us and use that information to make decisions. Listen in as Dr. Tim Koller, Denver Seminary’s associate dean of innovation and educational systems and director of the Master of Arts in Leadership program, shares about the importance of curiosity and empathy, and how to grow in emotional intelligence.
"[Emotional Intelligence] is something that you can develop. This is something you can grow into so that across a lifetime you can actually get better at working with other people. You can also get better at identifying your… Share on X "The more specific we can get with labeling our emotions, the more we can intervene to change those emotions. And I think that's the key with emotional intelligence, is that you can actually change your emotions. That's something… Share on X "There are pockets of our Christian world that would say emotions are bad, they should be suppressed, they should be ignored. The challenge is that we're made in the image of God, and we see God being emotional in the scriptures. We… Share on X