Category: Press Releases

덴버신학교, 신임 총장 마크 허즈번즈 박사를 맞이하다

덴버신학교는 2025년 새해에 개교 75주년을 맞이하며, 마크 허즈번즈 박사를 제8대 총장으로 선임하는 역사적인 이정표를 세웠습니다. 지난 11월 덴버신학교 이사회는 전국적으로 엄격한 서치를 거쳐 만장일치로 신임 총장을 결정하였고, 새해가 시작되면서 마크 허즈번즈 박사는 공식적으로 총장직을 수행하게 되었습니다. 허즈번즈 박사는 “덴버신학교의 사명과 핵심 가치를 굳건히 지켜나갈 때 하나님께서 풍성한 축복을 내려주시기를 기도하며 희망합니다” 라고 말합니다. “저는 덴버신학교의…

Denver Seminary Welcomes Dr. Mark Husbands as President

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary began its 75th year on January 1, marking a historic milestone with the selection of Dr. Mark Husbands as its eighth president. Dr. Husbands officially assumed the role at the start of the new year, following a unanimous decision by the Seminary’s Board of Trustees in November after a rigorous…

Denver Seminary Receives a Grant of $50,000 For Counseling Scholarships from the Windgate Foundation

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary has received a renewed grant of $50,000 from the Windgate Foundation to provide scholarships for students pursuing their Master of Arts in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling at Denver Seminary. The Windgate Counseling Scholarship is awarded to full-time students with demonstrated financial needs pursuing a career in counseling. This multi-year…

mark husbands looking at camera

Denver Seminary Appoints Dr. Mark Husbands as Eighth President, Effective Jan. 1, 2025

Littleton, Colo. – The Denver Seminary Board of Trustees announced today the appointment of Dr. Mark Husbands as Denver Seminary’s eighth president, effective Jan. 1, 2025. Husbands, a distinguished theologian, educator, and leader in Christian higher education, succeeds Dr. Mark Young, who will retire on Dec. 31, after 15 years of outstanding service. Husbands brings…

The Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary to Host Conference on the Church and Race Fri. Oct. 25, in person or online

Littleton, Colo. – Racism and Christian faith have intersected in complex and turbulent ways throughout U.S. history. While media cycles reignite these conversations, they often fail to provide clear guidance for constructive dialogue, leaving many to grapple with the Church’s past complicity and future opportunities without agreed outcomes. On Fri., Oct. 25, from 8:30 a.m….

Denver Seminary names Dr. Michell Temple the Dr. Vernon C. Grounds Endowed Chair of Christian Counseling

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary has announced Dr. Michell Temple, assistant professor of Counseling, as the Dr. Vernon C. Grounds Endowed Chair of Christian Counseling, effective Sept. 1. Dr. Temple joined Denver Seminary in 2021. She holds an Ed.D. in professional counseling and supervision from the University of West Georgia and a Ph.D. in counselor…

The Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary to Host Conference on the Church and Political Engagement, Fri. Sept. 20

Littleton, Colo. – As the 2024 elections approach, the role of Christians in shaping the political landscape will be a focal point in media coverage, church discussions, and community and household conversations. For some, the State is viewed as God’s servant for the common good; for others, it poses a challenge to faith and freedom….

Esteemed Korean Theologian and Church Leader, Dr. Jung-Hyun Oh, Receives Honorary Doctorate from Denver Seminary

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary awarded Rev. Dr. Jung-Hyun Oh an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree during its 2024 Commencement service in May. Dr. Oh, a distinguished leader in the global Christian community, serves as the Senior Pastor of Sarang Church in Seoul, South Korea, a congregation recognized for its extraordinary membership exceeding 100,000 and…

존경받는 한국의 신학자이자 교회 지도자인 오정현 박사,덴버신학교에서 명예 박사학위 수여 받아

콜로라도 리틀턴 – 덴버신학교는 2024년 5월에 열린 학위 수여식에서 오정현 목사에게 명예 신학 박사학위를 수여하였다. 오 박사는 글로벌 기독교계의 저명한 지도자로, 한국 서울에 위치한 사랑의 교회 담임목사이며, 사랑의 교회는 10만 명이 넘는 성도와 주간 출석인원 3만에서 3만 5천 명에 이르는 놀라운 교세를 자랑하고 있다. 그는 또한, 숭실대학교 이사장과 사랑글로벌아카데미 총장을 역임하고 있다. 오정현 박사는 포체스트룸…

David Ward Denver Seminary

Denver Seminary Awarded $1.25 Million Grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to Develop and Enhance Training for Current and Future Preachers

Denver Seminary has received a grant of $1.25 million from Lilly Endowment, inc. to help to expand the understanding of compelling preaching, support aspiring and active preachers, and develop communities of learners for long-term benefit of the global Church. …