Category: Press Releases

Denver Seminary Announces the Appointment of Dr. Angie Ward as Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Angie Ward as the director of the Doctor of Ministry program. Ward has over 30 years of leadership and teaching experience in church, parachurch, and Christian higher education ministry. She is the author of I Am a Leader: When Women Discover the…

several images of black men and women, folding hands, playing guitar, smiling at camera

Denver Seminary Celebrates Black History Month with Dr. Ralph Douglas West, Feb. 21

Join Denver Seminary’s Urban Initiative to recognize the profound contributions of influential Black voices and to celebrate Black History Month, with Dr. Ralph Douglas West, Feb. 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Denver Seminary and via livestream. Register for this free event. West began preaching when he was 16 years old. Today, he is widely recognized…

women in green shirt engaged in converstaion

Denver Seminary Receives a Grant of $100,000 for Counseling Scholarships from the Windgate Foundation

Denver Seminary has received a renewed grant of $100,000 from the Windgate Foundation to provide scholarships for students pursuing their Master of Arts in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling at Denver Seminary. The Windgate Counseling Scholarship is awarded to full-time students with demonstrated financial needs pursuing a career in counseling. This multi-year award provides scholarships…

Re-Imagining Christian Witness to Immigrants

Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church and Immigration ConferenceFri., Jan. 27, Denver Seminary Littleton, Colo. – Join The Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary for an opportunity to explore how the Church can engage in a compelling way in order to witness to immigrants. Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church and Immigration will be held at…

close up of artist thomas lockhart with artwork in background

Diversity and Intricacy: Artist Thomas Lockhart at Denver Seminary

Join Lockhart for an Artist’s Reception, Mon. Sept. 19 Littleton, Colo. – Meet artist Thomas Lockhart at Denver Seminary on Mon. Sept. 19, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., as he shares about his art and passion during an artist reception, in the Seminary’s Bridge Gallery. Lockhart’s work, including his piece Ballerinas Rest, which is on…

close up photos of new Denver Seminary faculty members

Denver Seminary Continues to Grow, Adding Three Faculty Members in July

Littleton, Colo—Three new faculty members joined Denver Seminary as of July 1, 2022. Dr. Elizabeth Meier Thornton, assistant professor of Counseling; Dr. Darlene Seal, assistant professor New Testament; and Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, assistant professor of Theology, bring diverse experience and expertise to their respective programs. “The knowledge and talents these educators bring to Denver Seminary…

Denver Seminary Grows its Chi Sigma Iota Chapter with 70 New Inductees

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary’s Chi Sigma Iota chapter (Delta Sigma Lambda) continues to grow, inducting more than 70 students in the 2022-23 academic year. Since its inception at Denver Seminary, the chapter has grown to 143 members, including 82 students and 61 alumni. CSI is an international honor society that values academic and professional…

Participate in Church Safety and Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

MinistrySafe Training hosted by Denver Seminary, Sat., April 9, 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (MST) Littleton, Colo. – Ministry leaders and staff are invited to attend a church safety and sexual abuse awareness training webinar led by MinistrySafe and hosted online by Denver Seminary on Sat. April 9, 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m., MST. The online event is free and…

man at laptop with glasses and earphones

Denver Seminary receives $1 Million Pathways for Tomorrow Grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary has received a grant of $1 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help design, develop, and deploy two new master’s programs that specifically address the needs, challenges, and opportunities of congregational leaders in predominately Black and Hispanic churches. The effort is being funded through Lilly Endowment’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative,…

Denver Seminary Welcomes New Faculty Members

Littleton, Colo. — Denver Seminary welcomed new faculty members in January. Dr. Teri Elliott-Hart, assistant professor of Training and Mentoring, and Dr. Cheryl Smith, associate professor of Counseling, bring diverse experience and expertise to their respective programs. Dr. Elliott-Hart holds a Ph.D. in Practical Theology from Boston College, an M.Ed. in Teaching and Curriculum from Harvard…