Category: Press Releases

Denver Seminary names Dr. Michell Temple the Dr. Vernon C. Grounds Endowed Chair of Christian Counseling

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary has announced Dr. Michell Temple, assistant professor of Counseling, as the Dr. Vernon C. Grounds Endowed Chair of Christian Counseling, effective Sept. 1. Dr. Temple joined Denver Seminary in 2021. She holds an Ed.D. in professional counseling and supervision from the University of West Georgia and a Ph.D. in counselor…

The Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary to Host Conference on the Church and Political Engagement, Fri. Sept. 20

Littleton, Colo. – As the 2024 elections approach, the role of Christians in shaping the political landscape will be a focal point in media coverage, church discussions, and community and household conversations. For some, the State is viewed as God’s servant for the common good; for others, it poses a challenge to faith and freedom….

Esteemed Korean Theologian and Church Leader, Dr. Jung-Hyun Oh, Receives Honorary Doctorate from Denver Seminary

Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary awarded Rev. Dr. Jung-Hyun Oh an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree during its 2024 Commencement service in May. Dr. Oh, a distinguished leader in the global Christian community, serves as the Senior Pastor of Sarang Church in Seoul, South Korea, a congregation recognized for its extraordinary membership exceeding 100,000 and…

존경받는 한국의 신학자이자 교회 지도자인 오정현 박사,덴버신학교에서 명예 박사학위 수여 받아

콜로라도 리틀턴 – 덴버신학교는 2024년 5월에 열린 학위 수여식에서 오정현 목사에게 명예 신학 박사학위를 수여하였다. 오 박사는 글로벌 기독교계의 저명한 지도자로, 한국 서울에 위치한 사랑의 교회 담임목사이며, 사랑의 교회는 10만 명이 넘는 성도와 주간 출석인원 3만에서 3만 5천 명에 이르는 놀라운 교세를 자랑하고 있다. 그는 또한, 숭실대학교 이사장과 사랑글로벌아카데미 총장을 역임하고 있다. 오정현 박사는 포체스트룸…

David Ward Denver Seminary

Denver Seminary Awarded $1.25 Million Grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to Develop and Enhance Training for Current and Future Preachers

Denver Seminary has received a grant of $1.25 million from Lilly Endowment, inc. to help to expand the understanding of compelling preaching, support aspiring and active preachers, and develop communities of learners for long-term benefit of the global Church. …

Denver Seminary to Address the Church and Gun Violence during April 19 Conference with MacArthur Fellow Dr. Jennifer Carlson

Littleton, Colo. – Amidst the ongoing spotlight on gun violence in political discussions, school safety conversations, and community forums, the Church has frequently remained on the sidelines of conversations. On Fri., April 19, the Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary will take a proactive stance hosting the “Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church and Gun Violence”…

Dr. Mark Young smiling resized for newsroom post featured image

Denver Seminary Announces Presidential Retirement and Appointment of Search Committee

Littleton, Colo – The Board of Trustees of Denver Seminary, at their March 7 meeting, received and accepted the request from Dr. Mark Young to complete his 15-year tenure as President effective Dec. 31, 2024. Dr. Young will assume the position of Chancellor on Jan. 1, 2025.  “Serving alongside the faculty, staff, and trustees at…

Denver Seminary to Celebrate Black History Month with Rev. Connie Jackson, Feb. 20

LITTLETON, Colo. – Join Denver Seminary to pay tribute to the rich heritage of African Americans and to celebrate Black History Month, with Rev. Connie Jackson, Feb. 20, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Denver Seminary and via livestream. Register for this free event at Rev. Connie Jackson, “Rev. CJ,” is recognized as a global ministry…

Denver Seminary’s Gospel Initiative Addresses Youth Mental Health Crisis with Free Conference – Compelling and Credible Witness: The Church and Youth Mental Health

It is no secret that youth mental health remains a major challenge in our society. Between 2017-2021, youth suicide soared, reaching record numbers by 2021. How can the Church take a proactive and positive approach to addressing youth mental health? Join The Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary on Fri. Feb. 9, from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.,…

Addressing Critical Questions: The Church and Christian Nationalism, Fri., October 13

In recent years the phrase “Christian nationalism” has been widely used to describe evangelical partisan participation in politics. What is Christian nationalism and how can Christians and non-Christians think about Christian nationalism, listen to one another carefully, and have productive dialogue about this controversial topic?  Join The Gospel Initiative at Denver Seminary for an opportunity…