Rider Family Endowed Scholarship
The Rider Family Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to any Seminary student enrolled in a master’s level program, with a stated focus…
The Rider Family Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to any Seminary student enrolled in a master’s level program, with a stated focus…
Support students who are pursuing God’s call to ministry leadership within a local church. The Wards, both graduates of Denver Seminary, always…
The Rev. Dr. Lyle M. Adams Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund has been established in honor of the ministry of Rev. Dr. Adams,…
A passion to see women in ministry drives the purpose of the Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Gaebelein Endowed Scholarship for Women….
The Christian Ministry Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Don and Janell Robinson to honor a number of godly people including Reverend…
Give Now The Barb and Jim Dixon Ministry Endowed Scholarship was created to honor Barb and Jim Dixon by continuing the legacy…
Mr. Clifton McGlothlan was a rural preacher who served in Wyoming, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, and Colorado between 1914 and 1975. Rev….
Prepare the next generation of church leaders. This scholarship was designed for students focused on developing excellence and training in full-time pastoral…
The purpose of the Haddon W. Robinson Chair of Biblical Preaching is to Give Now…
Help students finish their time at Seminary well. This scholarship provides tuition assistance for full-time students entering their second or third years…