Denver Seminary to Celebrate Black History Month with Rev. Connie Jackson, Feb. 20
LITTLETON, Colo. – Join Denver Seminary to pay tribute to the rich heritage of African Americans and to celebrate Black History Month, with Rev. Connie Jackson, Feb. 20, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Denver Seminary and via livestream. Register for this free event at DenverSeminary.edu/Events. Rev. Connie Jackson, “Rev. CJ,” is recognized as a global ministry…

Denver Seminary Welcomes Rev. John Moreland as Director of The Urban Initiative
Littleton, Colo. – Denver Seminary welcomed Rev. John Moreland as director of the Urban Initiative on August 1. The Urban Initiative provides biblical and theological training for leaders in urban contexts. “John Moreland brings a breadth and depth of relationships that sweep across metro Denver and beyond,” said Dr. Don Payne, VP of Academic Affairs…