Quick Facts
30 credit hours
Available in Denver, online, or hybrid
Complete in 1 year (full-time study)
Choose from 3 concentrations
Experience Denver Seminary’s Master of Theology

“When I enrolled at Denver Seminary I expected to be formed academically, but what I did not anticipate was the extent to which my MDiv formed me spiritually. I am grateful that my seminary experience prepared me to not just be a better preacher and theologian, but also a better disciple of Jesus Christ.”

Program Entrance Requirements
- Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0
- Completion of the application for admission and all required application documents
Denver Seminary’s ThM is an accessible option for developing advanced skills in pastoral ministry, Christian ministry, and biblical studies. Whether your goal is acceptance into a PhD program or strengthening your Christian education, the Master of Theology will thoroughly prepare you.