In Perspective: Pastoring Amid the Great Resignation

Weariness in ministry is not new to the Church. The writer of Hebrews admonishes God’s people to “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:3). Paul encourages the believers in Galatia to “not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” These passages acknowledge the challenge of living and ministering in a sinful and suffering world. Panelists will explore why there has been a trend in leaders leaving their ministries, and discuss antidotes to help people address these challenges in healthy ways, leading to longevity in ministry.
Event Details
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022
Time: 11:00 am – Noon (MST)
Location: Zoom
About the Panelists
Dr. Craig Smith

Dr. Craig Smith is the lead pastor of Mission Hills, a multi-site church serving the Front Range of Colorado. Craig is passionate about helping people understand and practice God’s Word in their everyday lives. He holds a PhD in New Testament from Bristol University, UK and is the author of The Kingdom for the Kingless and How (Not) to Miss God Moving. Craig and his wife, Coletta, live in Castle Rock, Colorado. Craig also enjoys woodturning and has a popular YouTube channel showcasing his wood art.
Kyle Rohane

Kyle Rohane is an acquisitions editor at Zondervan Reflective in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the former managing editor of He is an accomplished writer, with work appearing in publications such as The Washington Post, The Huffington Post,, and The Behemoth. Kyle holds a MA in theology from Denver Seminary.
About the Moderator
Dr. Scott Wenig, Professor of Applied Theology and Haddon W. Robinson Chair of Biblical Preaching

Dr. Scott Wenig joined the faculty in 1994. He serves as professor of applied theology, teaching in the areas of homiletics, church history, leadership and pastoral ministry. He earned a PhD from the University of Colorado at Boulder, an MDiv from Denver Seminary, and a BS from the University of Colorado at Denver.
Dr. Wenig was on the pastoral staff of Bear Valley Church in Colorado for 16 years and the pastoral staff of Centennial Community Church, also in Colorado, for eight years, and served as the senior teaching pastor of Aspen Grove Community Church in Colorado for five years.
He has contributed to The Dictionary of Christianity in America, The Leadership Handbook for Ministry, Leadership Journal, Sixteenth Century Journal, The Journal of Anglican and Episcopal History, Preaching Journal, Preaching Today, The Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and The Denver Journal, and is the author of Straightening the Altars, a study of the English Reformation.
In addition to his teaching responsibilities he preaches in various local churches along the Front Range of Colorado.