Meet Dr. Mark Husbands

Dr. Husbands, Denver Seminary’s eighth president, shares his vision for equipping students to engage the world with grace, truth, and the transformative power of Scripture.

Learn more about Denver Seminary’s vision for the future.

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How has Denver Seminary impacted your relationship with Christ?

Myldha Verdelus

Master of Arts in Counseling

How would you describe your educational experience at Denver Seminary?

Kateřina Tichá

Master of Arts in Counseling

How would you describe the relationship between students and faculty?

Tyler Peterson

Master of Divinity

Building on Our Past to Shape the Future

For 75 years, we have prepared and sent thousands of graduates into the world to work for the glory of God. Confidently equipped, they reflect the redemptive power of the gospel and the life-changing truth of Scripture as they minister throughout the world.

Nearly 1,000 students representing over 50 denominations

Serving with 6,000+ alumni around the world

Preparing students for ministry in 10 degree programs

Firmly rooted in Scripture and biblical faith

Committed to charitable orthodoxy

in Denver, Washington DC, and fully online

Denver Seminary News

A Profile in “Doing Theology”: Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, Theology Department Chair

By Anne Battle Schultz The term “theology” often brings to mind scholarly discussion and intellectual contemplation rather than the practicalities of daily life. But Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, chair… Read More A Profile in “Doing Theology”: Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, Theology Department Chair

A Vision for Change: Honoring Dr. Felix Gilbert’s Legacy 

When Felix Gilbert joined Denver Seminary’s faculty in 2013, he brought with him a passion for connecting the Seminary with Denver’s urban communities. As the founder and director… Read More A Vision for Change: Honoring Dr. Felix Gilbert’s Legacy 

Alumni Spotlight | Doug Nuenke: A Life on Mission for Christ and for Others 

By: Melanie Predolich  For Dr. Doug Nuenke, a Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Doctor of Ministry (DMin) graduate of Denver Seminary, his work has never been about the… Read More Alumni Spotlight | Doug Nuenke: A Life on Mission for Christ and for Others