See what people are saying about Denver Seminary
Learn more about Denver Seminary as you consider your next step in seminary education.

What should someone considering attending Denver Seminary know?
Sara Vander Neut
Master of Arts in Leadership

What is the value of relationships formed between faculty and students at Denver Seminary?
Cody Clapp
Master of Arts in Counseling

How would you describe your time studying at Denver Seminary?
Brandon Young
Master of Divinity in Leadership
Building on Our Past to Shape the Future
For 75 years, we have prepared and sent thousands of graduates into the world to work for the glory of God. Confidently equipped, they reflect the redemptive power of the gospel and the life-changing truth of Scripture as they minister throughout the world.

Nearly 1,000 students representing over 50 denominations
Serving with 6,000+ alumni around the world
Preparing students for ministry in 10 degree programs
Firmly rooted in Scripture and biblical faith
Committed to charitable orthodoxy

in Denver, Washington DC, and fully online