Categories: Impact Group

2 women and 2 men chatting by fireplace
2 women and 2 men chatting by fireplace

Growth and Enrollment

Since the 1950s, Denver Seminary has been a leading evangelical graduate school, training and equipping new generations for a broad range of…

Man walks along pathway beside a lake towards the rising sun

Soul Care Initiative

The Denver Seminary Soul Care Initiative (SCI) hosts retreats for pastors and faith leaders along the Front Range as well as offers…

wilmer ramirez sitting in chair

SETECA Program Scholarship

The SETECA Denver Extension site is a partnership between the Central American Theological Seminary (SETECA) and Denver Seminary to offer accredited, college-level…

group of people smiling outside

Rider Family Endowed Scholarship

The Rider Family Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to any Seminary student enrolled in a master’s level program, with a stated focus…

group of two women talking, one with a clipboard

Denver Counseling Center

Over the past 25 years, Denver Counseling Center (formerly Shepherd’s Gate Counseling Center) has been committed to providing low cost counseling services…

hand turning bible page

Ward Family Scholarships

Support students who are pursuing God’s call to ministry leadership within a local church. The Wards, both graduates of Denver Seminary, always…

old couple smiling for picture

Vernon Grounds Scholarship Fund

“Here is no unanchored liberalism—freedom to think without commitment. Here is no encrusted dogmatism—commitment without freedom to think. Here is a vibrant evangelicalism—commitment with…