Work study is a way to have part time employment while you are attending school. By utilizing work study you can reduce the amount of loans that would need to be taken out to pay for school. Additionally since you are working on campus it is much easier to work around your classes! Work study is a need based form of federally funded aid.
At Denver Seminary we disburse our federal work study funds to our various institutional departments. Those departments then advertise work study positions alongside other available on-campus positions. The student must be eligible to file a FAFSA, be at least at half-time status (3+ credits/semester), and most on-campus jobs require at least full-time status (6+ credits/semester). Exceptions to this rule are interim terms (Intersession & Summer) and the semester prior to graduation. Those who are hired will see work study funds disbursed to them through a monthly paycheck and not part of their Award Letter. These funds are held under federal regulations so you must maintain at least a 2.0GPA to be eligible to receive federal work study funds. Funding amount per year will vary on federal need calculated by the FAFSA and funding available.
Application Process
- Step 1: Complete your FAFSA. Once completed it will take 3 business days to be processed by the Financial Aid office.
- Step 2: Complete the Work Study Form. Please email this form to the financial aid office.
- Step 3: The Financial Aid office will confirm your eligibility and email you the form back with the completed eligibility section.
- Step 4: Find a work study job on campus at our employment page. Bring your completed work study eligibility form to your interview.
- Step 5: Once hired, your supervisor will complete their section of the form and submit it to the Human Resources department for payroll processing.
- Step 6: The payroll office will track your earnings throughout the aid year. Once you have earned your full award your work study position will be termed.
Work study program dates: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Work study positions for the 20-21 aid year will be termed on June 30, 2021.
Additional Information about Work Study
For additional information about works study, please visit Federal Student Aid.